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“Attitude is the foundation of everything”. So says Jeffrey Gitomer in “The Little Gold Book of Yes!” I spent so many years of my life being negative and pessimistic about taking chances to do something or experience something because of…

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Have you ever been faced with a difficult situation in which you’ve done all you can to avoid a difficult conversation with someone (let’s call him or her “person x”)? You may find yourself agonising over the pros and cons…

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How To Start Your Day

Do you top and tail your day with a plan of action and a review of how you got on? Most of us find it a challenge to get really organised with a "to do" list, and get depressed at…

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“I really get this idea of discovering my thing and living it! I know that to live my thing is to be authentic! And I know it’s the route to happiness and fulfillment! If only I’d realised this 10 –…

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Samuel Beckett is quoted as saying: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter, Try again. Fail better!" I left my last full time paid job exhausted, needing a break and knowing with absolute certainty that I was on the cusp of…

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I was recently asked to devise and implement a staff appraisal scheme in a large organisation. To help me understand the issues I was tackling and develop something appropriate, I undertook an extensive survey of the staff concerned. The number…

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I was listening to someone on his radio station this morning talking about his “average” listener. Of course he was talking about his target market, and the things his average listeners like to hear and how they like to be…

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Self-improvement? Do you get sick of the sight of self-improvement books? They’re everywhere! Book shops, Amazon, motorway service stations, railway stations, newsagents, charity shops. The wretched things get everywhere all competing to grab hold of our credit cards, and persuading…

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