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There has never been a more exciting or challenging time to be involved in the independent education sector. There has never been a greater requirement for the application of proven business methods to ensure that the 1,200+ independent schools (the number represented by the Independent Schools Council) survive, thrive and continue to offer outstanding education to more than 500,000 children across the UK.

My knowledge and skillset combines senior FD experience in the public and private sectors with several bursar and business management assignments, including some 10 years at a leading boarding school (Oakham). My NLP and coaching skills provide additional invaluable input to the motivational and advisory support I provide to all levels of school business management.

My unique range of financial, leadership, team building and coaching skills mean that I can assist schools in the following ways:-


With ever increasing pressures on pupil numbers, capacity to increase fees and the development of the estate, together with the pressures and risks created by prevailing economic and political uncertainty, never has there been a time when the ability of schools to craft and deliver coherent business plans been more critical.

  • When I am involved in assisting schools with their business plans, whatever the individual circumstances, I always provide the specific and relevant tools, advice and training necessary to develop rolling strategic and operational business plans, incorporating clarity of vision, deliverable strategic objectives and operational actions that will provide stability and transform a school’s prospects.
  • I supplement this with the training and support I give to governors and leadership teams in implementing, monitoring and reviewing these plans.
  • A key outcome of my business planning service is to ensure that every stage of the business planning process is understood and implemented, and that an effective process is in place to engage all levels of management and staff.

“Jeremy is an original thinker, with clarity of insight and excellent interpersonal skills. His commitment, positivity and energy, combined with his considerable experience and his invaluable coaching skills, enabled us to form a clear vision and strategic development plan and planning process which has been wholeheartedly endorsed and adopted by the governors. He has also introduced a level of professionalism to the business of the school that simply did not exist before his arrival.”

Adrian Brown, Orwell Park School


“Jeremy project managed the complete turnaround of the school, through a period of planned and significant cost savings, to what is now a vibrant positive community with an exciting vision and strategic development plan. He has left us with a new Headmaster and Business Manager, both of whom he has mentored and supported into their new roles.”

Margaret Bowler, Leicester High School for Girls


The external and competitive pressures facing the sector mean that it is ever more vital that schools equip themselves with an effective mix of educational and commercial leadership.

My unique skillset means that I am able to combine my extensive knowledge and experience in bursaring with a coaching and training role. Examples of my support to schools include:-

  • Advising, mentoring and coaching school leaders in the skills of school leadership and in meeting the prevailing strategic and operational challenges facing the school;
  • Inspiring and supporting the Head in articulating and delivering a clear and believable vision that will underpin the development of the school’s strategic direction;
  • Coaching development of individuals within the school leadership team, including the head, deputy head and bursar;
  • Advising the bursar on the effectiveness of the bursary and entire support team in supporting the school’s ongoing operations, both in terms of appropriate structures and competencies;
  • Devising and implementing effective appraisal and performance management systems.

“Jeremy possesses excellent analytical powers and the ability to see to the core of a problem.  Using his intelligence and undeniable logic he produces results that are ideally matched to the issue at hand.  Equally importantly, his interpersonal skills and caring manner enable him to get the best out of whoever he is dealing with.  His integrity and ability to empathise with people are among his greatest strengths.  Jeremy was of immense help to me and I would unhesitatingly seek his assistance again if I had a complex issue to resolve.

Allan McCloughlin, Stamford Endowed Schools


I have considerable practical experience of providing an interim role where a Bursar vacancy has arisen for whatever reason, and of providing a recruitment service for discovering and installing an ideal candidate into the permanent role. These assignments usually comprise the following key elements:-

  • Maintaining stability and the delivery of a reliable day to day service
  • Review and, where necessary, action to tackle and resolve underlying issues (such as cost control)
  • Review of the bursary and support service structure
  • Provision of advice to the governors and leadership team in effective strategic planning
  • Development of an appropriate job description, and the recruitment of a permanent bursar

“Jeremy’s expertise was of tremendous benefit in helping us to recruit a new Director of Finance and Operations. He was easy to work with, perceptive and authoritative, engaging and interested, responsive and focused on achieving the best outcome for the school.  He supported us throughout the entire recruitment cycle, providing challenge and a sounding-board as well as a well-planned process.  Having that external perspective was invaluable in making the right hire.”

Karen Williams, The Grange School, Cheshire

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