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Jeremy TomlinsonSo what do I do and how is this relevant to you?

Turnaround  |  Direction  |  Growth

Three simple words, which are the backbone of how I assist businesses and professional people alike to coordinate and direct all their hidden talents and potential and create the energy and success their efforts deserve.

And make the bottom line look so much better!

Which means you may need to get a little bit out of your comfort zone and be prepared to answer a few awkward questions about what you’re doing, why you’re doing it, and how you can get better at doing it!

This is not about being perfect. But it is about excellence. Perpetual excellence, enshrined in your beliefs, systems, services and outcomes.

As Aristotle said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

My mission is to help you (and your team) really understand this point and make it happen. Because we all want results. Amazing results. But we’re not always sure what processes we need to get right within the business to make it happen. Like building trust, eliminating internal conflict, creating commitment and developing a culture of accountability.

Why do I dare suggest I can help?

Because my story could be yours.

Way back in the mid 80’s, I qualified as a Chartered Accountant. I then spent years in senior management and board positions in highly complex organisations, including the NHS, the legal profession and the independent school sector. As time went by, I started to observe themes – fear of doing anything exceptional or different from the norm, complacency, workaholism, perfectionism, lack of clear vision, poor team engagement and commitment…and the list went on. And I could see missing ingredients, like passion, belief and an understanding of how to convert great ideas into magnificent practice and remarkable results.

All the effort I was putting into the work I was doing was out of all proportion to the results I was getting. Sure, the results were fine and I remain very proud of them. But it slowly dawned on me that what I was doing was excessively hard work, and eventually it was affecting my personal relationships and my health.

And then like a thunderbolt, I realised I was not being true to myself! I was selling myself out.

The herculean effort being made by me (and the others I observed) did not seem to be matched by the outcome and results I believed were deserved. Ever.

You see there wasn’t an alignment between the passion of the people directing the business and the results they were getting.

And as I realised what I was doing to myself, so I realised what individuals and businesses also do to themselves. We all lose sight of what it was that got us to start doing what we now do! And so the thing we are trying to manage becomes a monster that controls us instead of us controlling it. You know – meetings to attend, actions to implement, people to please, accounts to be approved, and so on.

We betray our own passion.

I read a great line from Robin Sharma in The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari which just says: “The duty of every human being is not self-improvement but self-remembering.”

So when I talk about turnaround, direction, growth, I am talking about getting you or your organisation back to your core, and understanding what you’re doing it for. When we’ve got to grips with that, the building blocks are put in place. And it all starts to make sense….

And the stuff I do now, which is a pretty unusual mix of accountancy, business consultancy, mentoring and coaching, is all designed to create a visionary planning process that means something and produces big results.

My greatest joy is to see people like you benefit from the practical application of my methods. The world is changing. Lives change. Change is inevitable and unstoppable. Are you going to be dictated by change or choice?

As Simon Woodroffe, self-made millionaire, motivational speaker and creator of Yo-Sushi, once said

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you always got.”


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The Blog


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My clients

stamford school
inc house
oakham school
casterton business & enterprise college
rutland county council
the ark association
leicester high school
broad street practice stamford

Associated with

growth accelerator
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