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Another day in the office. You shuffled a few papers around on your desk, and filed a few half-read ones in your case before clipping it shut. A couple of colleagues poke their heads around the door to ask if you…

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“Attitude is the foundation of everything”. So says Jeffrey Gitomer in “The Little Gold Book of Yes!” I spent so many years of my life being negative and pessimistic about taking chances to do something or experience something because of…

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Sometimes you can be so busy working IN your business - you know, all those essential priorities and little tasks that hit your desk throughout the day every day - that you lose sight of the importance of working ON…

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Have you ever been faced with a difficult situation in which you’ve done all you can to avoid a difficult conversation with someone (let’s call him or her “person x”)? You may find yourself agonising over the pros and cons…

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How To Start Your Day

Do you top and tail your day with a plan of action and a review of how you got on? Most of us find it a challenge to get really organised with a "to do" list, and get depressed at…

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“I really get this idea of discovering my thing and living it! I know that to live my thing is to be authentic! And I know it’s the route to happiness and fulfillment! If only I’d realised this 10 –…

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Samuel Beckett is quoted as saying: "Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter, Try again. Fail better!" I left my last full time paid job exhausted, needing a break and knowing with absolute certainty that I was on the cusp of…

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If you don't have a Customer Value Proposition, you will fail! Let me explain! If you're in business, presumably you want happy paying customers? Lots of them. Because they are the reason you're in business, and the reason you make…

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If you're reading this, you're probably in charge of an organisation or a team. Which means you're a leader. And that means you carry the can. The buck stops with you. Sorry, but blaming others if things go wrong or…

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Business Plan

Do you know a business plan could be useful but keep putting it off? Does the idea of writing it sound intimidating? Or might you even think it's a bit of a waste of time? Perhaps you've seen some other…

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