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What does business success mean to you?

Do you know what needs to change?

Do you understand and manage risk effectively?

I will help you to develop and grow your business to success!

Together we will define what success means to you, and discover and then we will define and implement a road map to achieve that success.

We will base our work on the following foundations:-

  1. Big Vision. We will discover your biggest vision of yourself and your business. Expect to be stretched!
  2. Your Special Niche. We will dig deep to elicit the creative and innovative skills that will make your business product or service irresistible.
  3. Your Resources. We will identify the people, systems and processes you will need to enable you to work effectively and productively on your business and not in your business.

Underpinned by my considerable hands-on experience in finance and business planning, HR development and coaching, we will break through your fears and excuses to raise your bar to a whole new level.

Contact me at to arrange an discussion of your requirements and exploration of how we will work together to change your business for ever.

Did you know

nearly 70% of small businesses fail within 3 years? That is despite all the good advice that is now available from so many sources. The truth is that for most business owners and leaders, the good advice gets lost in the myriad of day to day “priorities”. The advice itself becomes overwhelming, others appear to take it on board better, and there is a lack of understanding or confidence in how to implement it.

“If you want to succeed, you should strike out on new paths rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” John D Rockefeller

“If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?” Steve Jobs

“Most people over-estimate what they can do in one year and under-estimate what they can do in ten years.” Bill Gates

“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” Albert Schweitzer

“We engaged Jeremy to help us review what we were doing with our business.  He challenged our thinking and teased out of us ideas for change; helping us to see how and why many of the systems we had in place weren’t necessarily still working for us.  His selective use of coaching and appropriate technical advice has resulted in us making a number of changes which have grown the business in terms of patient numbers, efficiency and profitability.  If you want to shake things up in your business or look at new solutions to old problems, Jeremy is your man!”
Anthea Westbrook, The Broad Street Practice, Stamford

What are the obstacles standing between you and business success?

  • Lack of technical (eg financial) skills
  • Can’t see the wood for the trees
  • Non-productive “regulatory” requirements
  • Time pressures
  • Too many things to do
  • Stress
  • Overwhelm
  • Growth too rapid to handle
  • Lack of clear vision
  • No clear exit strategy
  • Procrastination

“Jeremy provided expert insight into the development of my business plan and made me look “outside the box” in a completely new way. His financial skills were invaluable and he was a wonderfully intuitive coach concerning the complexities of planning initial financial forecasts for a technology start up. I now have a much clearer understanding of how to develop my venture. Without his assistance I would still be blindly groping my way forward. As well as the technical skills he brought to my project, Jeremy’s open and enthusiastic manner made a huge difference.”
Charlie Harbage, POD Point Ltd

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