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Sometimes you can be so busy working IN your business – you know, all those essential priorities and little tasks that hit your desk throughout the day every day – that you lose sight of the importance of working ON your business.

Step back for a minute and think about the consequence of you yourself not actually attending to those tasks. How would it feel if you could delegate them or perhaps not do some of them at all? Would it make such a difference in the overall scheme of things?

How much better if you could eliminate the “doing” things, and concentrate your focus on what will really make a difference to the future of the business you lead.

And there’s one thing, as leader, you really can’t afford to let slip.

Keep in touch with your clients!

This has to be number one priority! – non-negotiable!

Keep your existing clients happy.

They are the best ambassadors you will ever have. Keep them involved and engaged.

Send out regular letters, emails, newsletters, blogs, anything to showcase what’s happening and keep them in the loop. Give them lots of positive stuff to talk about with each other and with their contacts. Ask them what they think too – through surveys, formal meetings, and regular informal one to one catch ups. Organise social events so you see several at once.

And listen!

Don’t just tell them what you want them to hear! Make them feel valued and make sure they know you value their comments.

What you-re doing is developing trust – the most vital link in any relationship. Don’t forget, it takes hard work and dedication, together with time, to build up trust – and you can break it over night.

Make sure your clients know you are listening and responding to them. Never ever let them down – and if you pick up any hint that they’re even slightly unhappy, get in touch and sort it out!

Do you know all your clients?

Do you know if the things you want them to hear are reaching them?

Are you listening to them – literally to everything they want to say to you?

Do you know that their trust in you is growing?

In turn do you trust them to speak on your behalf to others?

They are your number one ambassadors. Treat them accordingly!


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