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Alan Whelpdale

Leicester High School

Jeremy Tomlinson was consultant to the Leadership Team and Governing Body at LHS and I worked closely with him for one full academic year following my appointment as Headmaster. His work with the school was invaluable and it cannot be over-stressed how important his contribution has been to the continuing success of the school.

In short, Jeremy

  • is a special man who has been a valued colleague. He has vision and understands strategy. He is able to explain very succinctly what strategy is to those of all abilities, and with varied experiences, and can demonstrate how to put it in to practice;
  • has the ability to evaluate and piece together evidence to build the whole picture very quickly indeed. He is a blue-sky thinker, but always remains rooted in what is possible, given the circumstances;
  • is adaptable and can, very quickly, change his brief as requirements develop. His ability to work closely with colleagues is exceptional because he understands people;
  • possesses considerable intellect, used to support and enrich but never to undermine or compromise;
  • remains open to new ideas, but is not afraid to be controversial if appropriate;
  • has a sense of humour with the ability to fit in – whatever the environment;
  • is warm and engaging;
  • is able to work both independently and collaboratively;
  • has the ability to inspire and evoke genuine excitement for new projects;
  • is positive and enthusiastic; and, not least
  • is highly reliable and trustworthy

Quite simply, I could not recommend him highly enough!

We had several coaching sessions with Jeremy to help us review what we were doing with our business.  He challenged our thinking and teased out of us ideas for change; helping us to see how and why many of the systems we had in place weren’t necessarily still working for us.  The coaching has resulted in us making a number of changes which have grown the business in terms of patient numbers, efficiency and profitability.  If you’re wanting to shake things up in your business or look at new solutions to old problems, Jerry is your man!

Anthea Westbrook

Anthea Westbrook

Tom Marshall

Tom Marshall

Character Actor and Graphic Designer

I am very thankful that I have Jeremy as a coach. He is approachable and easy to get on with, but also really experienced and has lots of ideas to share. Jeremy is a great listener and asks searching questions that have really got me thinking. He also gets me into action with goals I can really believe in and achieve. As a result of working with Jeremy, I now have a clear sense of direction and have something to work towards that I can trust in rather than just hope for. In fact, I now want to work with him further to help me to the next stage of my development.

Jeremy Tomlinson was consultant to the Leadership Team and Governing Body at LHS and I worked closely with him for one full academic year following my appointment as Headmaster. His work with the school was invaluable and it cannot be over-stressed how important his contribution has been to the continuing success of the school.

In short, Jeremy

  • is a special man who has been a valued colleague. He has vision and understands strategy. He is able to explain very succinctly what strategy is to those of all abilities, and with varied experiences, and can demonstrate how to put it in to practice;
  • has the ability to evaluate and piece together evidence to build the whole picture very quickly indeed. He is a blue-sky thinker, but always remains rooted in what is possible, given the circumstances;
  • is adaptable and can, very quickly, change his brief as requirements develop. His ability to work closely with colleagues is exceptional because he understands people;
  • possesses considerable intellect, used to support and enrich but never to undermine or compromise;
  • remains open to new ideas, but is not afraid to be controversial if appropriate;
  • has a sense of humour with the ability to fit in – whatever the environment;
  • is warm and engaging;
  • is able to work both independently and collaboratively;
  • has the ability to inspire and evoke genuine excitement for new projects;
  • is positive and enthusiastic; and, not least
  • is highly reliable and trustworthy

Quite simply, I could not recommend him highly enough!

Alan Whelpdale

Leicester High School

Allan McLoughlin

Stamford Endowed Schools

As the Bursar of the Stamford Endowed Schools I decided to introduce an appraisal system for the 450 non-teaching staff. I turned to Jeremy to assist me in this task. He researched the many different processes adopted by both private and public organisations and presented me with his findings and his analysis of the options available, in the context of a group of schools. Having decided on the system that I wanted, I asked Jeremy to implement it, including the vitally important task of consulting the staff to whom the process would apply. This involved talking to staff who, on the one hand, were acutely interested in the introduction of an appraisal process to those who, on the other hand, were either not interested in the proposal or who were ignorant of the potential benefits. He performed this role in an impeccable manner and candidly fed back to me the reactions he was receiving. Once this process had been completed, Jeremy devised the timetable for introduction of the appraisal system.


Jeremy possesses excellent analytical powers and the ability to see to the core of a problem. Using his intelligence and undeniable logic he produces results that are ideally matched to the issue at hand. Equally importantly, his interpersonal skills and caring manner enable him to get the best out of whoever he is dealing with. His integrity and ability to empathise with people are among his greatest strengths. Jeremy was of immense help to me and I would unhesitatingly seek his assistance again if I had a complex issue to resolve.

Jeremy is a personable, supportive and intelligent man who provides a valuable and alternative high level view of your business. He utilises his unusual combination of excellent personnel skills as a mentor/coach and high level accountancy and management knowledge to good effect. I would recommend Jeremy as a valuable asset to your business.

Julie Bertuzzi photo

Julie Bertuzzi

Medasun Ltd

Margaret Bowler photo

Margaret Bowler, JP, BA (Hons)

Leicester High School for Girls

Jeremy was originally hired at very short notice on an interim basis owing to the unexpected departure of the school’s experienced bursar. Whilst his initial remit was simply to keep things ticking over whilst a permanent replacement was found, he quickly identified and alerted governors to serious strategic concerns. His role was quickly adapted and he was given the task of helping to steer the school back to a sound and secure long term footing.

In effect, Jeremy project managed the complete turnaround of the school, through a period of planned and significant cost savings, to what is now a vibrant positive community with an exciting vision and strategic development plan. He has left us with a new Headmaster and Business Manager, both of whom he has mentored and supported into their new roles.

As Chair of Governors, I took great comfort from the combination of Jeremy’s strategic abilities combined with his operational problem solving techniques. His calmness and experience are invaluable assets, and he is able to draw on an extensive network of highly experienced contacts for specialist support if required.

The school was reluctant to lose him. We have gained much from his quirky, “can do” enthusiasm and energy, underpinned by his total professional integrity. We have reached a point where we must now take responsibility and develop our own staff which also means he can go and help others in the way he has helped us.

I approached Jeremy when I was at a difficult point in my career. I was managing a charity that was running four popular nursery schools but had reached a point where I felt I had inadequate business management and planning skills, was disorganised and drifting, and felt my long hours of work were putting a strain on myself and my family.

Jeremy’s careful probing analysis of my situation and informed suggestions, his complete and total focus on putting me first in our discussions and his honest, friendly but challenging approach, helped me to find options and solutions I didn’t know I had. I also found his openness and honesty in sharing some of the ways he had dealt with challenges and change in his own life gave him great credibility and gave me confidence as I faced up to my own. The result is that I now run my organisation with a clear business plan and strategy, have a succession plan in place, lead a united and happy team, and feel confident, positive and balanced in both my career and personal life. I will want to continue to work with Jeremy in the future and wouldn’t hesitate in recommending him to any professional or business leader who wants to discover their potential, gain control their career direction, and prioritise the things they really want and love to do in their lives.

Mary Darlington photo

Mary Darlington

The Ark Association

Geoff Pook photo

Geoff Pook

Retired local authority senior corporate manager

Jeremy consistently delivered both high quality detailed work and also perceptive insights into the bigger picture. He became a new resource for us, a one-man project team, alongside helping to keep the day-to-day wheels turning.

More than that, Jeremy’s calmness and openness about his own experiences encouraged others in the team to think more positively about themselves and their real ambitions in work and life. Jeremy is a very good asset to have on your side.

My clients

inc house
oakham school
casterton business & enterprise college
rutland county council
the ark association
leicester high school
stamford school
broad street practice stamford

Associated with

growth accelerator
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